FAQ for social movements

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Process of application

You are politically active (or want to be) and you want to share your energy with others for a better world. That this is not possible without resources and networking is clear to you. That's why you want to find out from Bewegungsstiftung what we support and which is the right programme for you.


  • Step 1

    Check whether you are on the right track as far as Bewegungsstiftung’s goals and values are concerned. To do so, please read our Funding principles.


  • Step 2

    Make sure we have a programme that’s right for you. The overview below can give a first orientation. You will find a more detailed description of the programmes (with their goals, requirements and details for application) in the respective funding guidelines at the end of the chart.


  • Questions left?

    If steps 1 and 2 fit and you have read the guidelines carefully, you can send an application to Bewegungsstiftung. How this is possible can be found in the respective funding guidelines for the individual programmes. Bewegungsstiftung is currently offering five different support programmes and two consulting services. The following overview gives you a short orientation. You will find a link to the rules of each programme in the last line. Here you can find the PGP keys of all application mail adresses, if you want to send your application encrypted.

    Questions left?
    If there are still concrete questions after reading the programme guidelines (e.g. uncertainty as to which programme fits the project), we offer a short  consultation. Send us your questions in a short and concrete form to lotsin@bewegungsstiftung.de and we will contact you to arrange an appointment. Here the PGP key, if you want to send your application encrypted. Please be economical with our resources and read the funding guidelines carefully before using this service.

    Reference to non-profit status (Gemeinnützigkeit) 
    Non-profit status (Gemeinnützigkeit) must be recognised under tax law. Associations with no legal status (initiative groups and others) can apply for grants together with a registered organisation that has a charitable status. In this case, the registered organisation is the beneficiary of the grant vis-à-vis the foundation

  • Informations for applicants from outside Germany

    Bewegungsstiftung lacks the capacity to process applications directly from abroad. Applications in connection with foreign partners or activities abroad can only be processed by organisations based in Germany.The only programmes accessible for activities abroad is the the campaigns grant programme and start-up programme. For further information and the specific requirements see the respective funding guidelines.  



Bewegungsstiftung currently has five different funding programmes and two advisory services. The following overview provides a brief overview of these programmes. In the last line you will find the link to the guidelines for each programme. This overview as PDF (419 KB)

  Start up
Short description Icon-Kurzbeschreibung Making new projects possible, especially where there are no structures and/or experiences yet. To support strategic campaigns in the long or medium term that focus on public action and protest. To provide organisations with solid and long-term support. To support individuals in their independent work for social movements. Support is provided through a sponsorship model
Who is it for? Icon-Fuer-wen For initiatives and organisations aiming at building new structures or tackling new topics or approaches For initiatives and organisations that drive social, political or economic change through campaigns. For organisations we already worked with, usually within the framework of a campaign or start-up support. For full-time activists who form the backbone of protest movements due to their long-standing commitment, their experiences and their skills.
Our service Icon-Unsere-Leistungen Project support and grants between 3,000–10,000 € Project support and grants between 3,000–15,000 Euro Project and financial support usually up to 3 years (variable amount of support), between 30,000 and 100,000 Euros so far, for a period of 2 – 3 years. Project support and forwarding of donations raised by the sponsors themselves
Foundation network* Access to foundation network Access to foundation network Access to foundation network Access to foundation network
Requirements (Application) Maximum 4 pages plus budget Maximum 4 pages plus budget Application 1st stage: maximum 4 pages plus budget. If successful: further application process Maximum 2 pages
Deadlines Icon-Antragsfristen Once per year (1st Tuesday in April), decision maximum 8 weeks after application deadline Twice a year (1st Tuesday of April and September), urgent support is possible, decision maximum 8 weeks after application deadline. ATTENTION: In spring 2023 we will suspend campaign funding for capacity reasons! Usually once per year (1st Tuesday in September), maximum 8 weeks after application deadline Twice a year (1st Tuesday of April and September), decision maximum 8 weeks after application deadline
Combinable with other programmes? No application for campaign grants or institutional funding possible in the same funding round No application for institutional funding or start-up grants possible in the same application round No application for campaign or start-up grants possible in the same round Individuals have no access to the other funding programmes
Funding Guideline More Information (PDF) More Information (PDF) More Information (PDF) More Information (PDF)

* Access to the Foundation's network means: In addition to project support, funded projects are given the opportunity to take part in expert days and other networking opportunities offered by the Foundation, as well as the opportunity to participate in the Foundation's bodies and committees.

Our counselling services

  Strategic Consulting* Consulting Service for Grantees
Short description Icon With this offer we want to support groups and committed helping individuals to become strategically capable. Grantees that require special advice may submit an application for funding.
Who is it for? Icon-Fuer-wen Groups or individuals who strategically target their engagement and/or make it more effective and are still at the beginning. Applications are open to all projects as well as to movement workers who have current access to the Bewegungsstiftung network (i.e. all, except for those with rapid action grants).
Our service Icon-Unsere-Leistungen Successful applicants gain access to the advisory pool coordinated by the Foundation, which includes experts in strategy consulting. The placement of the consultants is accompanied by the Foundation and the advisory services (up to 3,000 Euros) are provided by the Foundation. The sponsored groups receive a subsidy of up to 50% of the costs of the chosen measures up to a maximum of 1,500 Euros
Requirements (Application) Maximum one page with presentation of the consulting needs An informal request to the responsible project support officer, stating the consulting requirements and the total costs for the desired consulting.
Deadlines Icon-Antragsfristen Four times a year, 1st Tuesday of February, May, September and November. Decision max. 2 weeks after deadline Application is possible at any time. All applications received by 1 Tuesday of the current month (except August) will be considered. Decision max. 2 weeks after deadline
Guidelines More information (PDF) More information (PDF)

* Non-profit status: As this is an advisory service offered by the foundation, groups applying for strategy advice do not have to be non-profit.

Bewegungsstiftung's funding projects are also open to other advisory and networking services. We organise specialist days and movement conferences and have built up a pool of advisors that provides activists with a well-organised and high-quality selection of advisors and facilitates access to them.

Good to know:
All Facts and Informations
