What does Bewegungsstiftung do?
Bewegungsstiftung campaigns for nature, peace and human rights. Bewegungsstiftung supports social movements with money and advice. Social movements draw public attention to problems, for example with demos, protests, projects and other public actions.
Bewegungsstiftung has been in existence since 2002 and is based in Verden near Bremen. Around 200 donors from all over Germany have already given Bewegungsstiftung almost 8 million euros.
What does Bewegungsstiftung support?
We support individuals and groups who publicly draw attention to problems and work on solutions.
These individuals and groups reach many people and politicians and thus also influence our coexistence.
So we don't give our money to many people who have the same problem. Instead, we promote good ideas so that the problem is solved.
What has Bewegungsstiftung already funded?
We have supported over 150 projects so far with a total of almost 6 million euros. Every year we are able to spend about 450,000 euros on grants and advice.
We support, for example:
- the association Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte.
- the association urgewald, which campaigns for the environment and human rights.
- the association Women in Exile & Friends, which works for refugee women.
- the campaign Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co, which campaigns for cheaper rents.
- the Seebrücke movement, which campaigns for refugees in Europe.
Here you can find a list of the projects we support:
Would you like to get a grant?
We support people, groups, projects and actions with money or advice. There are different types of funding. You have to submit an application for all funding.
You can find all the information here.
Do you have any questions?
Then call us or send us an e-mail.
E-mail: lotsin@bewegungsstiftung.de
Phone: 04231 957 540
Would you like to give money to Bewegungsstiftung?
We want to promote even more good ideas. That's why we are always happy to receive donations. You can become a donor yourself if you donate 5,000 euros or more.
You can also donate to our movement workers. The movement workers do political work. For example, they plan protests.
You can find more information about movement workers here.
Would you like to join Bewegungsstiftung?
Then you can find more information here:
You can also write an e-mail or call.
E-mail: info@bewegungsstiftung.de
Phone: 04231 957 540
What does Bewegungsstiftung do with its money?
Bewegungsstiftung uses its money to support individuals and groups. But it also invests money. As a foundation, we are only allowed to spend money that we earn with our investments or receive as donations. Bewegungsstiftung adheres to strict rules when investing money, so that it also does good in the process.
For example, we invest money:What does Bewegungsstiftung do with its money?
- We only grant loans to selected partners, for example to special housing projects. The loans generate income from interest.
- Our savings accounts are only with selected banks.
- We invest in companies that run sustainable projects.
How does Bewegungsstiftung decide who gets funding?
With many foundations, only the donors decide who receives money from the foundation. It's different with Bewegungsstiftung. Bewegungsstiftung is a community foundation. This means that everyone from Bewegungsstiftung is involved in deciding who receives funding.
In the end, our Board of Trustees decides what gets funded. The Board of Trustees consists of five people. One person is elected by the donors. One person is elected by the funded projects. The other three people are people who know a lot about protest.