
Artilleriestraße 6
27283 Verden

Fon: +49 4231 - 957 540
Fax: +49 4231 - 957 541

Order information about Bewegungsstiftung (in German only)...

Bank account  GLS Gemeinschaftsbank

BIC: GENODEM1GLS | IBAN: DE56 4306 0967 0046 3144 00

Our staff

Nadine Golly, Managing Director

Social scientist and psychosocial counsellor at Bewegungsstiftung, specialising in fundraising and the foundation community.

Contact: golly(at) | PGP-Schlüssel

Office Hours: Monday to Thursday


Millicent Adjei, Co-Managing Director

Millicent is a social economist B. A., trained tax clerk, financial manager, certified train-the-trainer, lecturer, IHK trainer, business coach, anti-discrimination consultant and learning coach for children's education; founding initiator of ARCA - African Education Centre. She is active in the Hamburg Colonial Working Group and other decolonial and pan-African initiatives.

Contact: adjei(at) | PGP-key

Contact: adjei(at) | PGP-Schlüssel

Office Hours: Monday to Thursday


Annemarie Anecio Mier

Annemarie ist seit über 15 Jahren im Bereich der Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit tätig. Ihre Schwerpunkte liegen in den Themenbereichen Nachhaltigkeit, Stadtteil-Aktivismus, Altersarmut, Migrationsrecht, intersektionaler Feminismus und reproduktive Gerechtigkeit. Zudem ist sie in der philippinischen Diaspora in Deutschland aktiv und schreibt als freie Redakteurin für Online- und Printmedien.

Kontakt: mier[at]   pgp-Schlüssel

Bürozeiten: per E-Mail von Montag bis Freitag erreichbar

Kadiatou Diallo, Assistenz der Geschäftsführung

Kadiatou ist zertifizierte systemische Supervisorin und Coach. Sie setzt sich soziale und reproduktive Gerechtigkeit ein, die Würde von Menschen in Migrationssituationen ein. Sie studierte Organisationsmanagement und Community Development an der École Supérieure d'Économie Appliquée der Universität Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar studiert.

Kontakt: diallo[at]    pgp-Schlüssel


Newroz Çelik, Project Support and Consulting

Newroz is a social worker and has been active in various social movements for almost 20 years, with a focus on sustainable anti-discrimination, queer and trans migrant self-organisation.

Contact: celik[at]   pgp-key

Office Hours: Tuesday to Thursday


Yaw Pajonk, Project Support and Consulting

Yaw has been active in different social movements for ten years and studies geography. His main topics are climate justice, anti-colonialism, freedom of movement and migrant self-organizing.

Contact: pajonk[at]  pgp-key
Office Hours: Tuesday to Thursday



Jael Rollin, Project Support and Consulting

One of the founders of the communication collective and the trans-European network "In our bodies - on the streets".
Jael is active in various social movements and works as a trainer, consultant and facilitator. Her work focuses on sustainable activism, transformative community organising, transformative justice and politicised somatics.

Contact:, PGP-Key
Office Hours: Tuesday to Thursday


Jens Meier, Project Support and Consulting

Diploma in social education and social work. Since 2003 active in various campaigns, main topics are antifascism, peace, and a world without nuclear and coal power.

Contact:, PGP-Key
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday


Maret Vogt, Event Management and Organising

Born in 1980, jurist for economics (diploma) and MBA, supervised for ten years in-service master programmes at the An-Institut of the University Ostfalia in Wolfenbüttel.

Contact:, 04231/957-546, PGP-Key
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Olga Bredina, Administration

Diploma in business administration from the State Academy of Economics and Administration (Russia, Novosibirsk), worked there for twenty years in the field of accounting and banking.

Contact: bredina(at) | 04231/957-547 | PGP-Key

Office Hours: Monday to Friday


Bei Presseanfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an: 

Telefon: 04231 / 957-540

Mail: | PGP-Schlüssel


How to find us:

Bewegungsstiftung is based in Verden an der Aller. Our offices are also located in the local eco-centre. Travel to Verden (journey planning on Verden is on the railway line between Hanover and Bremen. In addition to regional trains, Verden is also easy to reach by IC train from Hanover and Bremen. From Verden station it is a 10-minute walk to Bewegungsstiftung.

Once on the platform, walk north (coming from Hanover in the direction of travel / coming from Bremen against the direction of travel). Follow the subway to the right and walk straight onto LINDHOOPER STRASSE, which you simply follow. At the traffic light crossing LINDHOOPER STRASSE / ARTILLERIESTRASSE turn left. After a few steps you will reach number 6, the Ecological Centre, on the right-hand side of the road.

When you are in front of the main entrance, turn left to the end of the building and go around the corner. This is the entrance to Bewegungsstiftung's office.

Data from OpenStreetMap - Published under ODbL