More than 333,00 Euro for a fairer society
This autumn, Bewegungsstiftung is awarding more than 330,000 euros to fourteen initiatives who stand up for a fairer world.
We introduce them:
The campaign AfA - Anmeldung für alle (registration for all) is committed to make it easier for people to register for housing - and thus gain access to basic rights and services. Bloque Latinoamericano Berlin is receiving €10,000 in funding for this campaign.
The Ayande association organises young people with a connection to Iran who bring post-migrant perspectives into politics and draw attention to the situation in Iran.
The International Centre for Democracy and Action (IZDA) creates a shelter and meeting place in Chemnitz for people affected by racism, where educational and counselling services can take place. (10,000 €)
The campaign Daseinsvorsorge? Wealth Tax! aims to halt the decline of common goods in Germany and combat extreme social inequality. The organisation Gemeingut in BürgerInnen-Hand is receiving campaign funding of €15,000 for this purpose
The campaign GEAS STOP! - For a Europe of Humanity by Seebrücke and others aims to prevent the impending tightening of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). Campaign funding: €10,000
The association NINA - women* in Action demands an End to isolation - get out of the camps and is campaigning for refugees in Germany to be able to stay in Germany quickly and for the conditions in the initial reception centres to be improved and for more refugees to have access to housing. Campaign funding: €15,000
Queeraspora is an association of queer refugees, migrants and people of colour that organises cultural festivals, educational events and counselling services.
In Cottbus-Sandow, one of the poorest districts in Brandenburg, the Sandow speech group offers people with little knowledge of German a space to make their voices heard and help shape their neighbourhood.
The Water Struggles initiative aims to build and strategically advance a movement for water justice - with research, lecture tours and networking.
STAY GROUNDED is an international network that campaigns to limit air traffic and create a sustainable and fair transport system.
Three organisations - Dest Dan, a self-organisation founded by migrants and refugees; the Kurdish Women's Office Cenî and Our Network Against Your Murders have joined forces in the Network Against Feminicide to build a movement against feminicide.
In the Schönefelder Höfe tenants' association, tenants and their allies are organising against Europe's largest housing company, Vonovia, and are campaigning for affordable housing.
The non-violent education and meeting place Kurve Wustrow wants to promote concepts of social defence with the campaign Wehrhaft ohne Waffen, which enables a society to protect itself effectively and non-violently against military attacks or attempted coups.
You find more (German) information about the projects here.