Tax deductibility
Bewegungsstiftung is recognised as a non-profit organisation by the Verden tax office. Contributions, i.e. donations and endowments, reduce taxable income within certain limits.
With the entry into force of the "Law for the Further Strengthening of Civic Commitment", more generous regulations for the tax deductibility of donations and endowments have applied since 1 January 2007.
Donations to the capital of a foundation (endowments) can be deducted from income tax up to one million euros - regardless of whether the foundation already exists or is newly established. The tax deduction can be spread over 10 years.
Up to 20 percent of income can be donated to charitable associations and foundations each year. This amount can be carried forward indefinitely, i.e. a very large donation in one year can be deducted at a much later date.
If assets from an inheritance or gift are passed on to a foundation within two years of the inheritance or within two years of receiving the gift, then the inheritance or gift tax does not apply.