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Full-time activists organise demonstrations for climate protection, forge alliances for more social justice and support refugees in their struggle for the right to stay. They are of great importance for the success of social movements.

But those who are active full-time and unpaid in movements cannot pursue normal gainful employment at the same time. That is why Bewegungsstiftung came up with the Movement Workers Programme.

With the help of a demanding application process, it selects people who can win support for themselves with the title "movement worker". This is because the activists do not receive their money from the foundation, but from a circle of patrons who feel particularly committed to the work of the movement workers.

You too can support a movement worker! You can secure important political commitment for as little as 10 euros a month.

In return, your movement worker will send you regular reports and inform you about their activities and successes. You will also receive a tax-deductible donation receipt at the beginning of each year.

Yes, I would like to support movement work.

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