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Umfassende Transparenz ist für uns selbstverständlich. Diejenigen, die uns Teile ihres Vermögens anvertrauen, haben genauso Anspruch auf Information, wie diejenigen, die wir fördern. Da wir als gemeinnützig anerkannt sind und Spenden steuermindernd abgesetzt werden können, schulden wir auch denjenigen Transparenz, die Steuern zahlen - also allen.

Gleichzeitig bitten uns Stifter*innen um Vertraulichkeit, die wir gerne gewähren. Wir benennen niemanden als Stifter*in, von dem*der uns nicht eine ausdrückliche Einwilligung dazu vorliegt. Einzelspenden, die zehn Prozent der Jahreseinnahmen übersteigen, werden in der Summe aber ohne Namensnennung von uns angegeben.

Wir unterstützen die Forderung der Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft, die sich für mehr Transparenz im gemeinnützigen Sektor einsetzt. Hier finden Sie eine Informationsübersicht zur Bewegungsstiftung, die den Vorgaben der Initiative entspricht. Sollten anschließend noch Fragen offen geblieben sein, melden Sie sich bei uns. Wir beantworten sie gerne.


Comprehensive transparency is a matter of course for us. Those who entrust us with parts of their assets are just as entitled to information as those we support. Since we are recognised as a non-profit organisation and donations are tax-deductible, we also owe transparency to those who pay taxes - in other words, to everyone.

At the same time, endowment donors ask us for confidentiality, which we are happy to comply with. We do not name anyone as an endowment donor without their express consent. Individual donations that exceed ten per cent of annual income are disclosed by us in total, but without naming the donor.

We support the call of the Transparent Civil Society Initiative, which campaigns for more transparency in the non-profit sector. Here you will find an overview of information on Bewegungsstiftung that complies with the initiative's requirements. If you still have questions, please contact us. We will be happy to answer them.

Name, registered office, address and year of foundation
Artilleriestrasse 6
27283 Verden
Date of foundation: 2 March 2002

Complete statutes as well as information on the aims of our organisation:
Our statutes (PDF, 46 KB)
Our aims

Information on tax relief
According to the last notice of exemption we received from the Verden (Aller) tax office (tax number 48/210/08237) dated 22.06.2021, Bewegungsstiftung is exempt from corporation tax under section 5(1) no. 9 of the German Corporation Tax Act (KStG) and from trade tax under section 3 no. 6 of the German Trade Tax Act (GewStG) because it exclusively and directly serves tax-privileged charitable and non-profit-making purposes within the meaning of sections 51 et seq. of the German Tax Code (AO). AO.
You can view the notice here:
Notice of exemption (PDF, 1.9 MB)

Name and function of key decision-makers
The five-member Board of Trustees is the central decision-making body of the Foundation. It determines the funding guidelines, selects the campaigns and organisations to be funded and decides on the investment of the Foundation's capital.
Members of the Board of Trustees

Activity report
We regularly publish our annual accounts. We also regularly publish our annual report in a comprehensible format in our newsletter "Bewegungsstiftung aktuell":
Annual financial statements 2020
Report of the cash audit 2020
Bewegungsstiftung aktuell 1/2022

You can find information on previous years in our information brochure, which you can download as a PDF (2.1 MB) here.

Staff structure
Bewegungsstiftung employs eight full-time staff (all part-time except for the Executive Director). The team of 8 holds a total of 4.5 full time positions
Presentation of the staff
In addition, many endowment donors, activists from the funded projects and experts on social movements work on a voluntary basis in the foundation's committees.
Overview of Bewegungsstiftung's structure

Information on the origin and use of funds
Our annual report includes a detailed list of our income and expenditure. All annual reports and our current information brochure can be found on this page. The latest annual report can be found here.

We received a single donation of 100,000 euros from an endowment donor in 2021, accounting for over ten percent of our annual income.

Names of legal entities whose annual payments account for more than ten percent of the total annual budget.
Bewegungsstiftung has not received any donations from legal entities.

Social ties with third parties
Bewegungsstiftung is an independent foundation under civil law. It has only natural persons as endowment donors, all of whom have the same voting rights. Until the end of 2019, Bewegungsstiftung also managed the trust foundation Stiftung bridge under its umbrella. The bridge foundation was dissolved on 1 January 2020. Its assets have been transferred to Bewegungsstiftung's asset pool. Here is the balance sheet of Stiftung bridge for 2019.

In addition, we cooperate with other foundations and are members of the following associations:

Netzwerk Wandelstiften
Together with 15 other foundations, we have founded the Wandelstiften network. All foundations in the network have in common that they want to contribute to a socially and ecologically sustainable society. The members of the network permanently use a large part of their financial and non-material capacities to support social progress and social change.

Alliance "Rechtssicherheit für politische Willensbildung"
We are a founding member of the Alliance, that advocates for legal certainty for political will formation". The Alliance consists of almost 200 associations and foundations and calls for non-profit status to be secured for civil society organisations that make contributions to the formation of political will. The Alliance's long-term goal is a modern non-profit law.

Sustainable Investment Forum
We are a member of the Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (FNG). The FNG is an association of almost 100 companies and organisations committed to sustainable investments. The Forum aims to support the development of sustainable investments. The aim is to strengthen the positive steering effect of these investments on society and the environment and to support the spread of the idea of sustainability in the financial sector.

Federal Association of German Foundations
We are a member of the Association of German Foundations. It represents the interests of foundations in Germany vis-à-vis the public, politics and administration and supports dialogue and, in particular, the exchange of experience and networking among foundations.

Oikocredit Support Group Lower Saxony-Bremen
We are a member of the Oikocredit Förderkreis Niedersachsen-Bremen. The Oikocredit cooperative is active through a network of regional offices in Latin America, Asia, Africa and Central and Eastern Europe. Poor people who would otherwise have no access to credit receive loans through Oikocredit at much better conditions than on the domestic market.


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