Ethical-sustainable investment
Whether it's the Werkhof in Lübeck, the "MasseWind" wind turbine or the tenement syndicate in Freiburg - Bewegungsstiftung supports social change. It does this not only with the annual income distributed from its invested assets, but also with the assets themselves. To this end, it invests its foundation capital in alternative projects, in savings bonds and in ecological and social funds.
More return with security
Our financial investments reflect our ethical and sustainable investment guidelines and the economic interests of a foundation.
As a foundation, we are interested in a long-term, secure and at the same time profitable investment. The asset value is to be maintained nominally in any case. The foundation's purpose is pursued from the annual return. Thus, as high a proportion of the income as possible should flow in as liquid funds each year.
Recommended for imitation (to a limited extent)
In terms of tax legislation, liquidity and security requirements, foundations are subject to conditions that are completely different from those of a private individual or a non-profit association.
While we expressly recommend our ethical-sustainable criteria for imitation, we also expressly advise against transferring our portfolio structure one-to-one to private assets.